A Study in All Things Adorable

In honor of my upcoming finals, I’ve decided that I should procrastinate. Obviously, I chose to do so with puppies.

It should come as no surprise to those who know me that Labrador puppies are my weakness. For procrastination purposes and pure delight, please turn your attention to the following.

1.  THIS little nugget playing with his rag bone.


2. TUGGER. The puppy who shows us that you can make anything fun.


3. Babies + puppies = melting. I can only hope that this will be my life some day.


For more Labrador lovin’, see my other post on puppies, or feel free to follow my Doggies board (or all of my boards) on Pinterest. And if there are any other Lab videos that I should know about, you should probably let me know.


It is our personal belief that dogs are family. As such, Millie has regular playdates with friends and receives Christmas presents. She also gives them to her friends. (There are many other ways we treat her like family but I don’t need to get into those right now. Check this for a sampling.)

I’ve made Christmas bones for our various dogs over the years, but each year is something different. This was perhaps the most human-like treat I’ve ever made. (It tasted that way too.) It’s a canine spin on the classic snickerdoodle. (I found the recipe here)

The Food: Honey and Cornmeal

1/2 C vegetable oil

1/2 C shortening (I used butter)

1 C honey

2 eggs

3 3/4 C flour

2 tsp. cream of tartar

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 C cornmeal

2 tsp. cinnamon

DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 400. Mix oil, honey and shortening together until smooth. Add eggs, beating well. Then add flour, cream of tartar and soda. Knead until completely blended. In a small bowl mix the cornmeal and cinnamon.

Make small balls of the dough and roll into cinnamon/cornmeal mixture and place on cookie sheet.

Flatten dough with fork and bake for 8 minutes. Let cool and store in a dry place.

The (Dog) Fare: Snickerpoodles

As I do with most things I make for my furry, four-legged friends, I tasted this. I mean, look at the ingredients, you know you’d be curious too. The dough was good. Tasted very honey-y. After I baked them they were still pretty darn good. I may or may not have taken more than a bite… Seriously. It tastes like cornbread and honey. But my review isn’t the most important one. Luckily, Millie had her best friend Rosie over this afternoon and I got some real feedback:

Here’s what I learned. Don’t try to feed dog and take pictures at the same time. Especially if you’re on the floor…

Moral of the story: Snickerpoodles approved.

Millie and the Like

I love Millie. Millie is the best. She has an expressive face and sweet brown eyes. Millie is short and a bit on the bigger side but really it’s just more to love. She is extremely friendly and always happy to meet someone new. No one has a bad thing to say about her. She has become the illegitimate fourth child of my family.

One thing about Millie though is she has a tendency to shed more than the rest of us. She also has paws and walks on all fours.

Millie is my yellow lab. And I love her to pieces. You won’t find a better dog. And I’m more than willing to argue that point.

Since I have recently found a kindred lab-loving spirit and happened upon a number of dog-related web items that I find particularly worth sharing, I’ve decided to dedicate this post to Man’s Best Friend. Please enjoy the following:


An interesting article my lab-loving friend Abby shared with me. Service dogs who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Not long and definitely worth a read:


A stinkin’ cute video of some of the greatest creatures ever. Small children and yellow labs. My sister thinks the toddler looks drunk. Don’t all toddlers? Watch and love.


Perhaps one of the best things I have ever found on twitter was this video. Adorable, hilarious, wonderful. This video will most likely result in squealing with delight and perhaps even tears of joy. MUST. WATCH.


The one and only, my Mill Pill.